Lunes, Hulyo 8, 2013

Go Low CO2

                What I did I help how to get the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) low and I also think a solution we can do to help the earth in being damaging. I learned to care our nature by unplugging my charger when not in use because energy conserve if we unplug our phone chargers. I also recycle paper because tree is very precious, when we conserve paper less trees will be cut. I also suggested in our neighbor and also in my father that do not consume more gasoline because when we consume more gasoline, more carbon dioxide produces. I also suggested, stop car idling to conserve also more gasoline. I recycle cans, conserve or recycle our plastic bags by using it again and again until it become disposable and don't throw garbage anywhere. I can apply my learning to help the earth, our nature and  people to wake up to see what happen in earth. We know because of carbon dioxide coming from smoke pf the factories, cars or vehicles, illegal logging and differentr human activities affect our earth. Wake up and think goo solutions to our earth. Like me as a student, I help the earth to maintain its cleanliness and its beautiful nature.

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